This will be a continual work in progress. So far most of these are Standard Bearer articles that pertain to the various subject matter.
Belgic Confession Article 12
- The Doctrine of Creation According to the Reformed Creeds
- Main Characters in the Most Elegant Book—Water
- The Wisdom of God Displayed in Water
- Main Characters in the Most Elegant Book—Air
- Main Characters in the Most Elegant Book—The mineral “nitre”
- The “Being, Shape, Form, and Several Offices” of Nitrogen
- The Nitrogen Cycle: Upheld and Governed by God
- All Creatures Created for the Service of Man
- The Reconciliation of All Things
- Calvin’s View of Creation: Spectacle of God’s Glory
- What Did “Agnes” Say to You? (Severe Weather)
- Protestant Reformed View of the Creation Mandate (The Antithesis, Culture, and the Cultural Mandate)
- Seas
- The Proud, Troubled, Roaring Sea
- Out of His Treasuries (Wind)
- Treasures of the Snow
- Wind
- Cycles: The Providential Provisions from an Unchanging God
- Cycles: Pictures of the Vanity of Life
- Environmental Issues within the Creation
- Climate Connections
- A precious jewel (1)
- A precious jewel (2)
- Main characters in the most elegant book—The mineral “nitre”
- Metal ores and the purification process
- Alloys: Enhanced mixtures
- Precious jewels
- Sand innumerable: God’s precious thoughts towards His precious church
- Thunder
- As the mountains…so the Lord
- Radioactive dating
- Radioactive dating and uniformitarianism
- Consider the Heavens
- Season(s)
- Gravity Assists: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
- Ozone and Its Role in Creation
- Ozone Depletion and Restoration
- Light Brings Life
- The Lion: Strongest of the Beasts
- Sown of God
- The Butterfly’s Metamorphosis (1)
- The Butterfly’s Metamorphosis (2)
- Of Flocks and Herds, and Beasts and Birds, and All Within the Sea
- The Nature of Fire
- Behold the Fowls of the Air: Migration
- The Anatomy of Flight
- Little upon the Earth, but Exceeding Wise (Creeping Things)
- Hibernation
- A Bear Bereaved
- Life-Giving Communication
- Fruit
- The graft
- Creation 101: Genetics by Dr. Jason Lisle
- God’s wise design of the bee
- Ask now the beasts: Spring peepers and freezing point depression
- Perfectly fitted for a lowly station (dung beetle)
- Information flow—The Creator’s signature
- The World Year of Physics—A Tribute to Whom?
- Light and Time
- In Thy light shall we see light
- In Thy light shall we see light (2)
- In Thy light shall we see light (3)
- Light Pollution: A Distracting Light
- Mirages: Distortions of Light
- Consider the Atom
- Tried by Fire
- CERN’s Pursuit of the “God-particle”
- Jehovah—”Excellent in Power” (Nuclear Power)
- Beauty and Purpose in Separation
- IVF: Petri-dish Children (1)
- IVF: Petri-dish Children (2)
- The Handiwork of God: Neurons
- Many Members: Chemical Messengers of the Nervous System
- Autoimmune Disorders-The Importance of All the Body’s Members
- Hormones and God’s Governing Hand
- Diabetes: The Struggle to Maintain a Balance
- Cycles: Pictures of the Vanity of Life
- Our Dependence on Life-giving Breath
- Laughter (2)
- Cancer
- Structure and Function
- Two deaths, one life
- Moderating sugar consumption
- Memory
- Fighting infection
- Fighting ourselves
- Ear
- Born this way (1): Genetic determinism and moral revolution
- Born this way (2): An uncertain question
- Born this way (3): An identity hid in Christ
- Science Finds God
Redemption of Creation
Earth Science
Dating Methods
Our Body
- Jehovah, The God of Arithmetic
- Jehovah, The God of Arithmetic (2)
- Jehovah, The God of Arithmetic (3)
- Jehovah, The God of Arithmetic (4)
- My Father’s World (9)
- My Father’s World (10)
Math History
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
English/Language Arts
- My Father’s World (6)
- My Father’s World (7)
- My Father’s World (8)
- The history of the French Reformation
Home Economics
- My Father’s World
- Why should I learn this if it will never help me in life?
- A Heart to Teach by Ethan Mingerink
Christian School
Career Counseling
- Hard Questions for Young People: “What Shall I Do After High School?” (1) Prof Gritters
- Hard Questions for Young People: “What Shall I Do After High School?” (2) Prof Gritters
- Hard Questions for Young People: “Should I Go To College?” Prof Gritters
- Vocation, or, To what life and work does God call you? Prof Dykstra”
- Vocation, or, To what life and work does God call you? (2) Prof Dykstra
- Vocation, or, Does God call you to be a teacher or a minister? Prof Dykstra”
- Choosing a Vocation G. Lanting
- Choosing a Vocation Rev. Veldman